Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Smoked haddock chowder a la Jamie Oliver

This is another of the recipes from Jamie Oliver's 30 Minute Meals and it was very easy (and something a bit different as we don't eat fish all that often unfortunately).  Again, I think I'm about right but I was writing it down, and this is as I made it (and it came out dish-licious).

For 2-4 people you need...

1 good sized fillet of smoked haddock (or other smoked fish) with the skin off and the pinbones out
250ishg of potatoes, scrubbed and chopped into small, 2cm ish pieces
Some sliced spring onions
4 corn cobs, with the corn kernels sliced off ready
3 bay leaves
4 rashers of streaky bacon
teaspoon thyme (I am sure Jamie used fresh but I didn't have any)
1 litre of chicken stock (with a cube is fine)
small bag frozen prawns (or a small pack of non frozen ones, no rules!)
teeny carton single cream


Frazzle the bacon in the bottom of your saucepan and then add the onions and potatoes, stirring them about so they start to soften.  Then, add the stock, the piece of fish (don't bother faffing about breaking it up, just whack it in), and the sweetcorn.  Jamie Oliver demonstrates how to prepare them - just take a sharp knife and run it down the sides of the cob to shave the kernels off.  If you do this onto a clean tea towel it stops them bouncing about and onto the floor :)  Also, put in your bay leaves and the thyme and bring it up to a boil before reducing it to a simmer.

It should take about 12-15 minutes; when your potatoes are soft and cooked through you're good to go.  Add the prawns and give them a couple of minutes to reheat through throughly.  You don't need to defrost them first, they are only little.  Take your bay leaves out, pop your cream in, make sure it's piping hot, and it's ready!  You might like to get a potato masher and mash one third or so of the pan to give it a bit more of an interesting texture, but it's your call.

Serve it with some of those big Matzo crackers broken up to thicken it.  Super quick and easy and it tastes amazing.

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